Using a thesis statement in professional writing

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Write it Right Wednesdays

Using a thesis statement in professional writing

August 26, 2020

Once you have selected a topic, the next thing you need to do is write your thesis statement. I consider a thesis statement to be the heart of a paper; no matter what the content is about. If you think about it, a thesis is like painting. When an artist draws the outline of a painting they’re defining the space in which it will occupy. The same thing happens when a thesis statement is written because a writer defines the subject matter of the paper through a thesis.

So, how do you write a good, strong thesis? Make an assertion, introduce your main idea, and list your major points that support your idea. Thesis statements are usually about two lines. Sometimes they are longer if you’re writing a dissertation or for other academia publishing. If that’s not the case, stick to two lines. Anything longer than that and it can be hard for the reader to remember the beginning of the sentence. 

In order to make your thesis statement strong you should carefully choose your words. Remember you already caught your readers attention with your attention-getter in the first three sentences. It’s your subject matter and writing style that’s going to keep them reading so your thesis must continue to reel them in until they read the last word. Which brings me to my next point. Make sure in the conclusion section that you restate your thesis in a way that matches the points you proved in the body section of the paper. Lastly, if you feel the need to adjust your thesis do it. Sometimes through writing and/or research things change and your writing can change with it. Just be sure that you’re clear on your topic in your thesis and that you follow through on explaining it in the paper itself.

As always, if you have any questions about this blog post or comments feel free to email me at [email protected].[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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