America’s Test Kitchen cast member Chef Elle Simone
Chef, food stylist, entrepreneur, and world traveler. Those are just a few titles to describe Chef Elle Simone, cast member and food stylist for “America’s Test Kitchen” on PBS.
Chef Elle has loved everything about food since cooking with her grandmother as a kid at home off 6 Mile in Detroit. Her life’s passion is food and uplifting others, especially minority chefs. Which is why in 2014 she started SheChef Inc., a culinary mentorship and leadership program for aspiring women chefs and professionals. She has an inviting personality and is a dream chaser to the fullest.
Read more about Chef Elle Simone in Episode 6 of People You Should Know.

1. You’ve always loved cooking. What’s the one thing, when cooking, that brings a smile to your face?
I love making risotto. It takes a long time and lots of attention. I love trying different variations, so I create a new one. It makes me pretty happy.
2. How long have you been training as a chef?
I cooked in restaurants part-time for at least 3 years before working on cruise lines for 2 years. After that, I went to culinary school and after school I interned at The Food Network for 6 months. After my internship was done, I began freelancing in, and around, New York City. I started food styling within the following 2 years.
3. What are some of the odd cooking jobs you’ve had through the years before working at America’s Test Kitchen?
I didn’t have many odd cooking jobs, but I was a Social Worker before I came into culinary arts.
4. What’s the best advice you got while in the beginning of your career?
Some of the best advice I was given early in my career is to network, network, (and) network! Also, don’t burn bridges because you never know who will be your boss one-day.
5. What is a cooking term or food that people pronounce wrong that irritate chefs?
I can’t speak for all chefs, but I will say that if you’re pronouncing the “L” in salmon no one will take you seriously.
6. What made you want to start SheChef Inc.
Under representation is the primary reason I started SheChef Inc. I was taken aback by the lack of women of color represented in almost every commercial kitchen I went into. I wanted to change the “face” of the industry while supporting women chefs of color, and our allies.
7. Who are your mentors and why is it so important to have one?
Carla Hall and Toni Tipton-Martin have been the closest (people) I’ve had to mentors throughout my career. I’ve been a member of Women Chefs & Restaurants for over 10 years and I’m now a member of Les Dames d’Escoffier. So I always have access to an exclusive network at all times for whenever I need any type of guidance. That’s what SheChef is for, women chefs of color!
8. You’ve lived in several states and even other countries. Where do you miss living the most?
I definitely miss Brooklyn and Hawaii the most. Almost equally, I think.
9. If you could cook for any celebrity…who would it be and why?
I would love to cook for Oprah or Erykah Badu. I think they both think in very unique ways and have such interesting life practices. I think cooking for them would include a lot of kitchen counter conversation. I think I’d learn a lot.
10. What’s the best thing about following your dreams?
The best thing about following your dreams is watching it unfold in the most unexpected ways. Also, the idea of getting to create/formulate what I want my OWN life to look at, outside of the expectations of others. Following my dreams or passion work taught me who I REALLY am. It’s so much easier to live within your purpose when you know who the hell you are!
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